LITVIAK Lydiia Vladimirovna

Flight Commander, 3rd squadron, 73rd Guards IAP

Additional information:
4 August 1943 assigned to the eternal roster of the regiment.
8 August 1943 posthumously recommended for the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Khronika 1989 table
This chronicle was compiled on the basis of materials of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR [TsAMO] and attested to by colleagues of L. V. LITVIAK. Researcher:
31 March 1989 [signed] A. Kanevskii
Facts recorded in this chronicle according to points 1, 2, 5, 7-12 and 14, and additional information, in accordance with data in documents of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR [TsAMO].
Op. 273351, d. 3, l. 3, 65, 109; d. 2, l 144; op 273351s, d. 4, l. 39, 49; op 519104s, d. 1, l. 23.
[signed] 25 August 1989 Department chief Col. Lukashev
Facts recorded in this chronicle in points 3, 4, 6, 13, 15 are confirmed by colleagues of L. V. LITVIAK.

[signed] B. N. Eremin, I. V. Pasportnikova